Member Organizations:

Conservancy of Southwest Florida

Defenders of Wildlife

Florida Wildlife Federation

League of Women Voters

North Florida Land Trust

1000 Friends of Florida

Sierra Club

St. Johns Riverkeeper

Trust for Public Land


The Florida Conservation Coalition is devoted to protecting and conserving Florida’s land, fish and wildlife, and water resources that are essential to the well-being and quality of life of the residents of this state, and for its long-term economic prosperity. Florida's natural resources are a treasure to be conserved for the people of Florida and must be managed judiciously, not squandered.

Our focus is ensuring that state safeguards are in place to protect and properly manage the supply and quality of Florida’s water resources. We support meaningful funding for land conservation to protect sensitive natural lands, protect water resources and wildlife habitat, as well as offer recreational opportunities to citizens and tourists. We support an effective state and regional process of managing growth and development to maintain and enhance the quality of life for present and future Floridians. 



To accomplish this, it is essential that citizens of all ages and backgrounds understand the importance of protecting these priceless resources. It is imperative that candidates for office, elected officials and all policy makers be informed on key conservation issues

Citizens must get involved and stay engaged at all levels. We encourage citizens to join   in the political process by contacting their legislators, working in their communities, and encouraging everyone to vote.

By Everglades NPS from Homestead, Florida, United States (Florida Panther (1), NPSPhoto, Rodney Cammauf) [Public domain]

By Everglades NPS from Homestead, Florida, United States (Florida Panther (1), NPSPhoto, Rodney Cammauf) [Public domain]

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Learn about our origins, member organizations, and current campaigns. Find more information on environmental policy issues to help you in your conservation efforts. 

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Florida Manatee by Keith Ramos- US Fish and Wildlife (public domain)

Florida Manatee by Keith Ramos- US Fish and Wildlife (public domain)

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The strength of our Coalition rests in individual members getting educated and taking action. Sign up for our Daily News Briefs or consider joining our Citizen Advocate Program

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