
Counties Continue to Ask for Increased Funding for Florida Forever

Dear FCC Members,

We continue to urge the Legislature to honor the the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Floridians who voted for Amendment 1 in 2014, to fully fund Florida Forever, the state’s preeminent conservation land acquisition program. It is encouraging that two additional counties have joined Martin County, Broward County, and the Town of Surfside in requesting the Florida Legislature to allocate $300 million annually from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund (funds raised through Amendment 1) to the Florida Forever program.

We congratulate and thank the Bay County Commission and Leon County Commission for passing these important resolutions that ask the Legislature to conserve crucial lands statewide to protect Florida’s precious water, wildlife, and natural resources in perpetuity. The signed resolutions from each county are attached. We are urging other counties to pass similar resolutions.


Estus Whitfield

Florida Conservation Coalition  

Leon County Amendment 1 Resolution

Bay County Amendment 1 Resolution